Dat wascally Google—I mean, Squirt

I thought Google’s advanced search was looking a little odd today:

Picture of Google's advanced search page

I guess it’s Elmer Fudd Day in Mountain View, California.

Picture of the main Google page

Now that’s odd… the Elmer Fudd references are gone! I’m glad I took pictures!

Wait a minute… on second look, the Elmer Fudd stuff shows up in my Safari browser, but not my Firefox browser. It doesn’t show up in Explorer, either. Only Safari!

But what’s up? According to ULTW Looney Tunes Birthdays, Elmer Fudd’s “birthday” is March 2nd, 1940, when Elmer appeared in Elmer’s Candid Camera.

Even Egghead, the character from which Elmer evolved, was “born” on July 19, 1937, in Egghead Rides Again.

Those Google wascals.

UPDATE: Mystery solved.

Notice that “Google.com in English” link in the bottom right-hand corner of the image directly above?

Squirt searched Google in his native language, “Elmer Fudd,” as listed on the Google Language Tools page, and didn’t reset it. See below? Right after “Dutch” comes “Elmer Fudd.”

Picture of Google Langugage Tools page


Two other languages available in the Google language tools: Pig Latin and Bork Bork Bork. I had to look the “Bork” one up: it’s from the Swedish Chef.

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3 Replies to “Dat wascally Google—I mean, Squirt

  1. Hehehehe, i love Elmer! Your right though, i can’t see it in IE6 or Firefox. I’ve not heard of Safari, is it new?
    Have a great weekend :o)

  2. Safari is the Mac browser that comes bundled with Mac computers.

    You have a good weekend, too, Michelle!

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