My printer is a piece of plaQta

High School Emergency Form (as filled out by Squirt)

Name: Squirt Wren, Sweet Ninja Badass

If your parent/guardian needs an interpreter, indicate what language: Klingon

I wish I did speak Klingon. It would take the sting off of technologicaly impaired weeks like this one when:

  1. The black ink nozzle on our printer clogged up for good
  2. My iBook charger cord spit sparks at me before it died
  3. I dropped my camera and BROKE the lens right off the front

Yes, if I spoke Klingon, I could face all this technology death properly, with a “baQa’!” or “You pathetic mak’dar!”

Since I don’t speak Klingon, I’ll just content myself with the knowledge that my Sweet Ninja Badass turned in a bunch of downloaded forms printed up in baby blue ink.

14 Replies to “My printer is a piece of plaQta”

  1. I’m technology impaired. I don’t even know what an iBook is. And i’ve never even been within 10 feet of an iPod. I’m not really sure what it does. Sorry you are having troubles with the your “stuff”! TGIF! 🙂 Maybe next week will be better!

  2. Lol, on the baby blue ink. I don’t speak Klingon, but I’m thinking I should learn it as it would make the morning meetings I’m forced to endure a lot more interesting if they were conducted in such a fun language. 😀

  3. Hey at least it was not “Sweet baby Pink”. Kind hard to take a “badass” serious with pink inked paper =))

  4. Nice ink colour. 😉

    I”m sorry I let the Chaos god out and he found you again. I was trying to very hard to keep him off my plumpus rumpus this week as I aligned shelves and other level-y things. 😉

    Hope the weekend treats you better, Bonnie.

  5. An iBook, Kelly, is God’s gift to carpooling moms who have to wait for practices to end. An iPod, however, is something this mom does not have, although she does borrow her son’s.

    I think all office meetings should be conducted in Klingon, James, and instead of those sugary cookies, they should serve heaping plates of Gagh.

    Laurel Wreath, this is true!

    Kristen is to blame for siccing the Chaos Dude on me? Booger! I could never be mad at someone with a plumpus rumpus, though.

    Jaye! Did you know you can do all your Google searches in Klingon?

  6. Ah, the fun stuff I have to look forward to. LOL…and my kids already do the Klingon thing. My fault though…I’m such a Star Trek nerd. ;D

  7. Okay, so no Gagh for Karen Ranney. And, yowza! I’ve been linking to the wrong part of your site, Karen! I just fixed that link—sorry!

    The rest of your site looks super—and I like that forum. But no Gagh for you!

    I am a real nerd, too, Mimi. I went to a few conventions in my day, but I never did get a costume.

  8. I love how even printing school emergency forms is never quite “normal” in your house. 🙂

    Mr. Honey’s on his way to one of those conventions in a couple week. And he’s taking a costume. He’s one excited Firefly/Serenity fan.

  9. I’m with Squirt.
    Something about “official” forms makes me contemplate all sorts ofdevious replies.

  10. I completely lost it at the idea of searching Google in Klingon. I’m signing up for classes. Klingon would be a good language to use with the movers today.

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