Super Sabado: a New Year!

Today’s Super Sabado is a little late, as I was sabotaged by a glass of wine last night.

Okay, two glasses of wine.

I blame it all on Michael B.* He asked if my snowman was drinking Syrah, a wine I’d never heard of before.

Then somebody gave us a bottle of Blackstone Syrah for Christmas and I opened it up last night. My goodness, that was good. (See Mark for more articulate commentary on wine.)

Two glasses of wine do not make for coherent blogging, so we’re off to a late start. Have a seat, order up some taquitos and quesadillas and we’ll get going on today’s Super Sabado: a New Year!

2006 Resolutions

In 2006, we may expect to see more cartoon nipples from Pat, and I am now resolved to never censor her cartooned nipples again, even in jest.

Dennie came up with some musings that sound an awful lot like resolutions to me. April’s got some “try to do betters” going on, rather than resolutions, and Val composed some New Year’s Writing Goals.

Paisley has got some, er, rather interesting resolutions, as generated by some online resolution makers. Meanwhile, resolutions and other good intentions are lost on messy desktops as Kait and I continue to wallow in chaos. She’s brave enough to show the world her chaos, but trust me: mine is WORSE.

Kitty has been publishing photos her dad took long, long ago. They are extremely interesting and full of forgotten detail, like cigarette cups! Who knew such things existed?

Say a prayer for Kitty’s mom, will you? And for Mel’s dad, who doubled as a giant pincushion when he had a spinal tap… Mel posted pictures…ick, ick, and ick… I hate needles!

More margarita gossip (is it late enough yet for some margaritas?):

Miss Snark rang out 2005 with another Crapometer run, this time on synopses. Now she’s asking readers to vote on Crapometer entries. Deadline is midnight, Monday, January 9.

Lebanon-based American journalist Michael J. Totten spent his holiday in Egypt and got shaken down by the police while visiting the pyramids. Here’s Part 1 and Part 2 of his story.

You have to check this out: James has got his personal library catalogued ever so nicely, thanks to software called Delicious Library. All you need is a Mac and a webcam to read the barcode on the books, CDs or DVDs. I covet this.

Georganna’s busy selling her ebook: Be a Successful Writer.

And Teri‘s wondering who will teach our kids about an extremely serious subject. No, not sex! About polite cell phone usage.

I recently attended a funeral where a cell phone rang during prayers. The woman took her time getting it, and then answered it very loudly: “Hello? HelLO? HELLO?” I wanted to whack her.

So who’s going to teach our kids proper cell phone ettiquette if we don’t know it yet ourselves?

For those of you resolved to have neater laundry in 2006:

If you’ve followed me this far, here’s a trick they teach you in Honors Origami: How to Fold a Shirt. For those of you wondering about long sleeves, watch this, too.

And in case you’re interested, here’s how my kids fold their shirts.

*Which reminds me: Mike’s got a cooking blog, too.

9 Replies to “Super Sabado: a New Year!”

  1. Hey, maybe we can team up for Super Sabado, I’ll make the food each week, you take care of drinks and conversation.

  2. Thanks for the prayers for my dad. Anyone who can take that kind of pain deserves it!

  3. Oh brother, i don’t know how you kept your cool when you heard that cell ring at the funeral. Of all times that are so personal and private…tsk tsk tsk. You have much more patience than i have, i’d have slapped her round the head with it!

  4. Thanks for dropping by, Teri.

    Michelle, I really wanted to whack her good. You’re into law… wouldn’t that have been justifiable assault?

    Yaay! Michael’s cooking! Maybe we could have Cajun-style fajitas? Everybody be sure to visit Mike’s cooking blog right now!

    Bonnie C: I censored Pat’s snowman nipples, as a joke!

    Dennie: I was trying to remember how to fold shirts like they do in the video and I almost cracked up the car. I think it’s something I should only do under supervision.

    Mel, I hope your dad’s doing well. Kitty’s mom is coming home—that’s good news!

  5. Bonnie

    Excellent post and thanks for the link 🙂

    Syrah (as the Franch call it) or Shiraz (as most of the Rest of the World call it) is a fine grape which reminds me of a tale…
    I must post about this New Year’s resolution (my first in 12 years)
    I would have wanted to strangle that woman too. No respect. The person SHOUTING into their phone is a figure of ridicule and dislike over here. Most trains now have quiet carriages for a cell-free journey
    enjoyed the T-shirt folding, must give it a try.

    Toodle pip

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